We investigate real estate!
A successful real estate investment
Becoming a homeowner is a beautiful and great life project. To successfully embark on this adventure, take the time to discover all the options available to you at each stage of your real estate project. This is the best way to make your real estate investment a true success.
To invest the right way, get a clear picture of the market. To do this, you can consult the studies published by specialist federations, agency networks, notaries, etc. However, nothing beats a field survey. This is why it is a good idea to seek advice from professionals who will provide you with information on prices and properties for sale in the town or district in which you wish to settle. More about real estate on pourvendreoulouer.fr.

Investing in real estate is an art

Select a promising area
Choose an area characterized by continuous population growth, a neighbourhood well served by public transport and with a commercial infrastructure, etc.

Diversify your investments
The diversification of you investments allows you in case of problems, unpaid rents in particular, not to have put all your eggs in the same basket and therefore to manage the problems more easily.

Don’t rush profitability
Given the performance of conventional investments, a return of 3-4% is very appropriate. On the other hand, a real estate investment always increases in value over the long term.

Select your tenant
In order to find the “right” tenant who will pay the rent regularly and won’t damage the property, the landlord must ask for certain proofs to make his/her choice with full knowledge of the facts.

Manage your rental investment
Rental management is a service that falls within the skills of real estate agencies and other similar professionals. It can be defined as all activities aimed at optimising the economic return on real estate assets. More tips on avocatsdroit.com.

Take out a guarantee
Go for an insurance that guarantees the payment of your property’s rents. You are thus assured of a return on your investment. You must take out a rental guarantee for each property you wish to insure.
Renting a house or an apartment

Renting a house: how to rent a holiday home?
Renting a house can indeed also be synonymous with holidays! In this case, it is necessarily a furnished house rental. It is a short-term rental lease that governs this type of rental. This lease contracts the relationship between the lessor and the tenant and details, for the duration mentioned, the different rights and duties of both parties, the complete description of the rented house and its furniture, as well as the rent per week of this holiday rental. The legal and fiscal regulations related to seasonal renting are different from those of classic renting.
Moreover, the rents for holiday rentals are much higher than those for classic rentals. They are generally rents per week (and not per month as in the case of a main house rental) and the rates charged during the holiday season are indeed quite expensive. It is the law of supply and demand, which is very strong during these holiday periods.